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Access Resources
Paul, in partnership with Talking Birds Theatre Company and Wolverhampton Arena, is working hard to make all of the performances of We've Got Each Other in his 2019 tour accessible to D/deaf and B/blind audiences using Talking Birds' revolutionary new access tool The Difference Engine.
He aims to make these access provisions not only 'functional', but also 'creative' and 'engaging' to offer you an equally as spectacular show as hearing and sighted audiences would expect. Working with trained Audio Describer Stuart Reid, Lucy Haywood and Will Jackson, Paul hopes that he can make 'access' not just 'necessary' but also 'fun'.
Accessing Access
Throughout the 2019 UK Tour of We've Got Each Other I have attempted to make the show more accessible to deaf and blind audiences using Talking Birds' innovative system for captioning and audio description, The Difference Engine.
This pack, entitled Accessing Access, is an account of my journey into access. It is full of tips, advice and lessons learnt through this process aimed specifically at other artists who may want to take their first steps into making their work more accessible.
It also offers recommendations for venues and organisations suggesting how you might be able to help us tackle both the fear and the cost that is preventing artists like me from meaningfully making this an integral part of our practices.
Download Accessing Access as a Large Print document here.
We’ve Got Each Other captioned trailer